Tuesday, 20 March 2012

A Thousand Words

In the most recent installment of JOUR1111, the point was raised about the importance of images in telling a story. Telling a story through words is the oldest and tried and true method, however I believe that a picture can do the same, effectively in one word. Now I don't exactly subscribe to the sentiment that a picture is worth a thousand words. Literally it simply doesn't make sense. However I do believe a picture can tell a story.

Original Photo - Nick Biggs

For example, this pictures is of a young girl looking out over the Brisbane River. Why she is doing it can't be established. Who it is can't be established, neither can the location (the only reason I know it's the Brisbane River is because I took the photo). This is the beauty of a picture. It can be so powerful in evoking emotion that the audience can interpret the image as they want to.

Original Photo - Nick Biggs

There is always underlying emotions due to how the photographer may set up the shot (like this image of the two birds below), however I believe that ambiguity is often very beneficial to a photographer. It brings out different opinions and angles of the picture which others may not have seen.

On the other hand ambiguity could be the enemy of the modern day photo-journalist. An image used for news needs clearly address the 5W's and H,  especially when breaking news.

Courtesy of PressTV

Take this picture of the recent war protests in Syria.
It clearly addresses where it is, who is involved, what is happening and how its happening. This would clearly aid a cover story to any breaking news on the Syrian issue.  Similarly, the image still tells a story, perhaps in a less romantic fashion  and more descriptive than the above two.
All the same the picture still tells a story.

So whether or not one can perceive a story to be a thousand words, one hundred thousand or even one simple word, I believe a picture can be more powerful than any words can be.

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